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Finding Our Way To The Customer
As startup venture owners one of the most vexing question the rattle our brains and keep us up and night is; Where can I find people to buy my product or service? As simple as this question is, the answer "seems" to be as elusive as anything could ever be. The truth is the answers are there for us if we look in the right places and know how to look for it.
While there is no formula or magic potion that will magically let all the customer you dream come running to you, with very little effort on your part, there are some proven processes and tools that one can use to maximize the chance to find the right customers and customer-fit with your product or service.
It is very wise then, not to start promoting and advertising your product or service before you even have a good idea of who you believe the customer will be. With this, you will be able to know exactly who you will be advertising to and most importantly what is the best way to communicate with them
The message here is that we should never just rush headlong into the building and advertising of our products and services before we even know who will be buying our product or service as well as what problem you will be solving for the customers in a real way.
©Orlando O Spencer I, Inc.
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