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Taking the concept of your products or services from a mere idea into something that the customer will want to buy, takes time and effort. Many times as entrepreneur we fail to realize that it is not sticking with the ideas in our heads regarding our products and services that matters most, but what the customers we are trying to get our products or services think about the products and services we're offering.
Therefore, we sometimes waste the lots of time and energy working on a product or service that do not truly represent the markets need or offer a solution to a current problem within the market. We spend too much time focusing on what we want thinking that our product or idea is the best in the world. Not realizing that it matters not what we think about the product or how much passion and drive we have for the product, what matters most is that the customers desire your product and it fill a need or solve a problem in their minds eye.
Inherently when we get tunnel vision on our concept and our ideas this way, We tend to waste a lot of time and energy and lots of money chasing or notion of what is best for the market, when the simplest thing to do is go and asked the market what they want.
One of the easiest way to do this, is to build what is called a Minimum Viable Product(MVP) that the market will adapt to and try out. Those first set of customers that tryout or adapt your concept, product or idea are call early adapters. Once you have established some early adopters your MVP Will then receive sometimes unsolicited feedback regarding what the customers think about. It is at this time you have the opportunity to study what the customers really want and how your product or service can fill that gap in the market.
This is referred to as the Lean Startup approach, you Offer a minimum product or service to the market, then through constant feedback experiments and engagement with the market, evolve your product or service to meet the needs of the market, in essence the market and customers are building your product the way they want it.
© Orlando O Spencer I, Inc
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