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One of the greatest challenges to starting a business is lack of adequate funding. We spend so many time worrying about not having enough money to start and grow our businesses. The truth is that money is not the greatest reason for the failure of new startups, believe it or not - it's Timing...
As a startup you will NEVER have all the money you need, so don't sweat it that much. Keep your cash flow enough to keep serving your customers and worry more about the timing of the product or service you are offering. Ask yourself, is this the right time for this service or product? if the answer is no, you waste valuable time and "money" trying to get your offering to catch on.
Also be sure to form the right partnerships, they will help you with resources you can not get yourself, either due to budgetary constraints or just lack of expertise in the specific domain.
Therefore be sure that your offering as good timing for its acceptance by your target customers. As for the lack of complete and total funding for all you need for your startup, get over it! You will never always have all the money you need when starting and growing a startup company. Your best bet is to create partnerships with others that can provide the resources you are lacking.
© Orlando O Spencer I, Inc.
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