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So you have got a great business idea, one that you are certain can become something really great. However, you are asking yourself, how can I really know for sure that this idea is really good as I think? How do I know that this is not just some wild dream? Am I just trying to build a castle in the sky?
These are very real questions we sometimes ask ourselves about our “great’ ideas. The truth is that questioning ourselves like this is very important. We need to find out if we really have something good here in this "magnificent" idea. We need to really go over it and understand if what we see in this, we can convince others to see the same and we can get them to join us to form a team to work on it.
Let us say through our fancy words we convince a few other people to join us in this "great vision". How do we even test the idea in a real way to ensure that we indeed have a great idea? The good news is that there are great tools out there that can help you do this.
So when we come up with our phenomenal ideas for ventures, let us keep asking ourselves the important questions that will lead us to find the help, teams, and partnerships we need. Then with this, go out there with widely available tools for testing business ideas, test our ideas for its viability. Then and only then we should think about how can we move forward from the idea itself.
© Orlando O Spencer I, Inc.
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