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Say we have found this great business idea, one that “we” think can be made into a real business that can make a real difference out there in the marketplace. We have thought about this so much and so we believe that this is the one. Now that we feel this way, is it time to run off with this idea and try to make a business out of it right away? Not so fast.
You see as entrepreneurs we dent to think all our ideas are golden until they are not. Now that we have this great idea, its time to take the idea itself a little bit farther. Let us start talking with people we can trust. Not only those who will not go telling everyone our "gem" of an idea but to be brutally honest with us about what they truly think about the “best idea in the world” - that is how we see our idea anyway.
Here we want to share with other our ideas, to get external feedback from people outside our very own heads. Here we are looking for complete honesty. Be ready for hearing real critiques, because if you are not the kind that other feel that can be honest with, you will get well-polished responses, polished to please you rather than tell you the honest truth.
So let us keep coming up with great business ideas. Ones that we keep changing the markets for which we either operate in or want to operate in. However, in doing so we must be able to find honest feedback on our ideas and to be able to accept those honesties.
© Orlando O Spencer I, Inc.
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